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Park Improvements to Create More Summer Fun in Pennsylvania

Empire Services • Jul 01, 2024

Pennsylvania, renowned for its rich history and stunning landscapes, boasts a variety of parks catering to nature enthusiasts and history buffs alike. As well as providing opportunities for outdoor activities and exercise, these green spaces also serve as gateways to the region's rich history. Many of these parks have humble beginnings, often emerging from popular sites, family estates, or repurposed abandoned properties. Over time, they have evolved into vibrant recreational areas adorned with playgrounds, tranquil walking trails, and refreshing splash pads.


Empire Services: Enhancing Reading's Parks


Empire Services has played a role in enhancing parks across Reading and beyond. Their contributions to park improvements have created safer, more enjoyable environments for families to gather, play, and connect with nature. From upgrading facilities to maintaining green spaces and implementing innovative features like splash pads, Empire Services has helped transform parks into vibrant centers of community life. Let’s take a look at a few of them.

City Park Enhancements

City Park, located near 11th and Walnut Streets in Reading, underwent significant improvements thanks to Empire Services. The project included the installation of an all-inclusive playground and a splash pad. As part of the preparation for these new amenities, utilities were upgraded and the site was carefully prepared. Adding fencing and improved walking trails enhanced the park's appeal and accessibility.

Baer Park Upgrades

Empire Services also contributed to improvements at Baer Park, another cherished space in Reading. The project involved preparing the park for new play areas, including grading and compacting the subgrade for a new concrete splash pad.

Minsi Lake Park Rehabilitation

In partnership with Northampton County Parks and Recreation, Empire Services took part in phase one of the Minsi Lake rehabilitation project in Bangor, PA. The team excavated and prepared for the new paved pedestrian trails, concrete slabs, and foundations for the new restroom structure. Some of the equipment utilized on this unique project included excavators, skid steers, rollers as well as a subcontracted crane service to place the new restroom structure.

As Pennsylvania continues to evolve, its parks will adapt to meet the changing needs of diverse communities. These parks serve as living monuments, preserving the past while embracing the future of recreation and community engagement. Empire Services is grateful to be part of these park improvements, helping to create all-inclusive and safe spaces. We have the equipment and experience to complete these projects no matter the size of the park or the location.

By Empire Services 19 Jun, 2024
Living in Eastern Pennsylvania means living amidst history , where every turn reveals a piece of the past. With quaint homesteads and bustling developments, the region's landscape tells a story of transformation. Each property is an example of change. In Quakertown, Pennsylvania , a homestead underwent such a transformation. Originally a farmhouse and a two-story banked barn, the property in Quakertown bore witness to centuries of evolution. Over time, the farmhouse blended old-world charm with modern comforts. While the original foundation and materials remained, additions like a modern kitchen, updated baths, and a sunroom with UV glass breathed new life into the homestead. Meanwhile, the barn evolved from housing livestock to hosting a heated workshop and an office/storage area. Yet, no one wanted this unique property. The property was auctioned off in 2018 and purchased by an energy company. With new ownership came new plans, and the decision was made to clear the compromised structures from the land. Empire Services was contracted by Adelphia Gateway, LLC, with the task of demolishing both the farmhouse and the barn. The location of the property complicated the demolition process. It was situated on a busy, winding road with powerlines. Traffic control was necessary to ensure safe entry and exit from the jobsite. The old barn was the first structure to be demolished using a 345 excavator equipped with a rotating grapple. Removing the barn and clearing the area created better access to the site. The focus then turned to the farmhouse and other structures. The debris was transported to a nearby landfill by DVC , an Empire Group affiliate. After all the debris was removed, the basement of the house was filled with recycled clean stone from the house and barn. The project was completed with final topsoil restoration and seeding. Despite the limited access and traffic control challenges, the property was restored to a pastoral landscape. No matter the age of the property or its layout, Empire Services has the experience and equipment to complete the job safely and efficiently.
securing safety with the installation of 450 pallet rack safety straps and netting.
By Empire Services 29 May, 2024
Check out the some of the spring projects the Empire Services team work on. From a church steeple to pallet rack straps, there were a variety of projects.
By Empire Services 16 May, 2024
In cities nationwide, blighted properties stand as stark reminders of bygone eras—once bustling homes, factories, or churches now left abandoned for various reasons. Over time, these structures deteriorate, sometimes to the point of posing risks to public safety. When such conditions arise, emergency demolition becomes imperative. Yet, executing a safe demolition, particularly in densely populated urban areas, demands meticulous planning to mitigate disruptions and dangers to the community. One recent example of this is the fate of St. Cecilia Church in Reading, PA. Abandoned for over a decade, the church exhibited signs of decay that worsened over time with cracked walls and shattered windows in need of immediate attention. Erected in 1892 by Theodore Ignatius Heizmann in memory of his mother, Mary Cecilia Heizmann, the church stands at a busy intersection, complicating the demolition process due to limited space for equipment maneuvering. The dangerous state of the church became evident when the steeple roof collapsed, and the stone structure showed signs of imminent failure, threatening both traffic flow and public safety. In response, the City of Reading contracted Empire Services to demolish the church steeple to the roofline. Using a 135-foot boom man lift and a 50-ton all-terrain crane with skid pan, our skilled crew hand demolished the steeple roof, starting with the removal of the stone pillars. The collapsed roofing section was then removed to prevent further damage of the steeple walls. Subsequently, weakened sections of the walls were systematically removed down to a point where the steeple was deemed stable. A few challenges were encountered during the demolition process, notably the need to prevent large debris from falling onto the sidewalk or street. Additionally, high-tension wires and electrical cables within 12 feet of the steeple added complexity to the operation. However, our experienced team managed to hand demolish the steeple without disturbing the wires and adjacent structures. DVC , an Empire Group affiliate, transported the debris to a recycling facility for proper reuse. The successful demolition of St. Cecilia Church steeple is a shining example of meticulous planning and precise execution, highlighting the paramount importance of ensuring public safety while safeguarding the essence of urban communities. This achievement not only underscores Empire Services' unparalleled expertise in emergency demolition within urban landscapes but also serves as an example of demolition excellence.
By Empire Services 15 Apr, 2024
In our pursuit of sustainable development, the importance of environmentally conscious practices in construction and demolition cannot be overstated. LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification has become a hallmark for sustainable buildings, promoting energy efficiency, water conservation, and healthier indoor environments. However, LEED doesn't just focus on construction; it also extends its principles to demolition processes. Let’s take a look at key LEED demolition requirements and how they contribute to a greener future.
By Empire Services 08 Apr, 2024
Spring is here, and the start of a new construction season. Whether a new building or an addition, the sound of bulldozers and excavators fills the air. It’s also the time of year when golf courses open for the season in Pennsylvania. As golf courses prepare for the season, many undergo renovations. For a Philadelphia golf course, this was the case. Empire Services is helping with the expansion of their first tee by providing earthwork and site demolition. This golf course has deep roots in Pennsylvania. In fact, Pennsylvania has a rich golf history. The oldest golf course in continuous use in the United States is Foxburg Country Club in Clarion County. Foxburg Country Club was founded by Joseph Fox in 1887. According to local legend, Fox designed the course after The Old Course at St. Andrews and helped to spread the game across the state. In 1874, Fox went to England with the All-American Cricket team to play in a cricket tournament. One of the matches was in Edinburgh, Scotland. While in Scotland, he visited St. Andrew’s to watch some golf and became an instant fan of the sport. He had Old Tom Morris, the golf pro at St. Andrew’s, teach him the game and purchased golf clubs and “ gutta-percha ” balls (golf balls) to bring to America. Once home, Fox created an eight-hole course around his summer estates. He then created a more spacious five-hole course, which would become Foxburg Country Club. After the creation of Foxburg Country Club, golf courses began popping up all over Pennsylvania. One of them is a golf course in Philadelphia County, where Empire Services is assisting with the expansion of their first tee, which houses the pro shop and restaurant. The project began with the demolition of sidewalks and the concrete building pad. The earthwork began as soon as the debris was cleared away. Since the first tee was built on urban fill, there was a need for dynamic compaction caissons. Our crew prepared the area for them plus excavated new foundations. They will also install a storm sewer to accommodate the renovation. The last step will be paving the entry road. With the arrival of spring and the onset of construction season, we eagerly anticipate the completion of this project, poised to elevate the golfing experience at the course. Leveraging our team's expertise in earthwork and site demolition, we are laying the groundwork for the expansion and ushering in a new chapter in the golf course's heritage.
By Empire Services 11 Mar, 2024
The transformation of Allentown Metal Works into a contemporary production facility is underway, facilitated by Marcon Properties, LLC. This property holds historical significance, tracing its roots back to the early 20th century when Samuel Traylor's Traylor Engineering laid its foundation in 1902. Over the years, it became synonymous with producing heavy-duty steel components pivotal in industries like mining, construction, and concrete. Also, it housed a Mack Trucks plant, further enriching its industrial heritage. With the help of Marcon Properties, LLC, the site is poised for a renaissance, finding renewed purpose under Eastern Exterior Wall Systems. In collaboration with Alvin H. Butz, Inc ., Empire Services has been at the forefront of this transformation since 2022. Empire Services initially engaged in demolition works as contracted by the Allentown Economic Development Corporation. Following a partial roof collapse in building A, they swiftly moved to demolish its top floor, setting the stage for subsequent redevelopment efforts. Later, with Alvin H. Butz, Inc., Empire Services spearheaded selective demolition and excavation tasks, laying the groundwork for the site's revitalization. Additionally, Empire Services helped budget, plan, and value-engineer the project with Alvin H. Butz, Inc. Taking It Down to Its Shell With the existing structures deemed stable, they repurposed existing materials and infrastructure. The renovation journey commenced in October 2022, initially focusing on the smaller building. By mid-January 2023, significant progress had been achieved, with the 50,000-square-foot structure stripped down to its shell. The renovation encompassed a comprehensive overhaul involving the removal of windows, roofing, mechanicals, utilities, and more. Structural integrity concerns necessitated the removal of numerous roof purlins, which had succumbed to wood deterioration during the site's decade-long hiatus. Mechanical equipment pits underwent meticulous clearance, paving the way for new concrete slabs atop crushed concrete and clean stone infills. Steel Demolition & Civil Work Empire Services' involvement extends beyond demolition to encompass intricate steel demolition and civil works. Recent engineering assessments identified sections of supporting steel beams, columns, and crane rails unfit for reuse. Employing precision torch-cutting techniques, Empire Services adeptly disassembled and transported these components. Additionally, they are spearheading the installation of a new storm sewer system featuring seven inlets, further enhancing the site's infrastructure. Having dedicated over a year to the Allentown Metal Works site, Empire Services' efforts have been instrumental in reshaping its landscape. Witnessing the transformation of this historical manufacturing site is a testament to the power of revitalization. As the site prepares to embrace its new role in manufacturing, it brings new opportunities and employment prospects, strengthening Allentown's industrial legacy.
By Empire Services 27 Feb, 2024
It's hard to believe that spring is just around the corner. Empire Services completed a variety of demolition, site, and civil projects. Each one required a strategic solution to achieve successful results. Let’s take a look at some project highlights from the past few months. 
By Empire Services 19 Feb, 2024
When we envision trusses, our minds often conjure images of sturdy roofs, providing support and shelter. Yet, the roots of truss design lie not in roofing but in the strength of bridges. Truss bridges with their intricate network of triangular structures, have stood as testament to human ingenuity and engineering since the 19 th century. Initially conceived to span vast distances with minimal materials, truss bridges quickly gained popularity since they were economical to assemble. By harnessing the strength of triangles, these bridges distributed weight efficiently. The evolution of truss bridges is evidence of the ever-changing landscape of engineering. Many steel truss bridges have succumbed to the ravages of time and neglect. Thus, demolition is required, making way for newer, more efficient structures. This was the case for Empire Services’ bridge demolition project in Allentown, PA. The project presented numerous challenges, chief among them being working over water. With the bridge spanning a creek, ensuring the safety of the crew became paramount. Additional safety protocols were implemented, ensuring that each step of the demolition proceeded with caution and precision. The crew were in personnel lifts that kept them above the water while cutting up the bridge.
By Empire Services 30 Jan, 2024
In the ever-changing world of manufacturing, the integration of automated systems is often crucial to enhancing efficiency and streamlining production processes. However, when the time comes to upgrade or replace these systems, the challenges of dismantling them without disrupting daily operations can be both complex and demanding. In a recent project, Empire Services undertook the task of dismantling a local truck body manufacturer's current automated system. Empire Services took on the responsibility of dismantling portions of the current automated lifting system, which is deeply embedded within the manufacturer's facility. This automated system, serving as the backbone of their manufacturing process, needed to operate seamlessly every day. To navigate this challenge, the project was divided into four phases, with the crucial stipulation that the system could only be removed during facility shutdowns to avoid disruptions to daily operations. The entire project is expected to be completed this fall. The Intricacies of the Automated System The complexity of the automated system lay not only in its integral role in the manufacturing process but also in its extensive structural integrity. The system, responsible for lifting and transporting truck bodies from station to station and situated on a multi-level mezzanine that winds its way throughout the facility, required a strategic dismantling approach. To execute the dismantling, the Empire Services team employed a combination of tools and equipment, including aerial lifts and various forklifts. The primary tool for the task was an acetylene torch, skillfully wielded to cut the steel structures into manageable pieces. The precision required in this process was heightened by the challenges posed by the confined space and the need to navigate around existing production equipment that could not be easily relocated. Navigating Space Constraints One of the primary hurdles faced by the team was the limited operating space. The structures earmarked for removal were situated in the heart of the manufacturing floor, surrounded by various production equipment that couldn't be moved. This necessitated a careful maneuver around, on top of, and beside the operational machinery, emphasizing the team's adaptability and precision in their approach. Working with steel structures at significant heights added an additional layer of complexity to the project. Cutting and lowering steel components required heightened safety measures, and the team's expertise ensured a meticulous and smooth process. The use of aerial lifts allowed for controlled access to elevated sections while forklifts ensured safe handling of these materials, showcasing the team's commitment to both efficiency and safety. The dismantling of an automated system within a manufacturing facility is no small feat, and the success of Empire Services in navigating the complexities of this project stands as a testament to our expertise. From strategic planning and phased implementation to adapting to space constraints and ensuring safety at every step, the precision dismantling of this automated system exemplifies the delicate balance required in such endeavors. As manufacturing technologies continue to evolve, the ability to efficiently upgrade or replace systems while minimizing disruptions remains a crucial skill, and Empire Services has showcased its expertise in executing this intricate balance of precision dismantling.
By Empire Services 10 Jan, 2024
The vacant echo of an office space stripped bare often heralds a transformation in progress. While the sight may evoke curiosity, the reasons behind the removal of contents are varied and hold insights into the dynamic life cycle of commercial real estate. In cases where an office space resides within a building slated for renovation or demolition, questions loom regarding the fate of the contents and the duration of building services. This intricate process becomes time-consuming, dictated by the square footage at play. When the square footage is almost a million square feet, the removal of contents is best done by a team of professionals experienced in interior demolition .
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